Frequently Asked Questions

When is the show this year? Saturday, August 3rd, 2024
Where is the show starting and ending?
Zionsville American Legion Post 79, Ford Road, Zionsville
How can I contribute?
Please send any checks to...."Andy's Car Show" 6485 E 650 S, Zionsville, Indiana 46077
How can I help?
If you want to contribute as a committee member, please contact Candy Buckmaster 317-627-4642
When is the rain date?
No rain date. Event will occur rain or shine.
Where is the show starting and ending?
Zionsville American Legion Post 79, Ford Road, Zionsville
How can I contribute?
Please send any checks to...."Andy's Car Show" 6485 E 650 S, Zionsville, Indiana 46077
How can I help?
If you want to contribute as a committee member, please contact Candy Buckmaster 317-627-4642
When is the rain date?
No rain date. Event will occur rain or shine.